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How to Let Go of the Past and Live in the Present Moment: Stopping Negative Thoughts to Achieve Your Heart's Desires   

How to Let Go of the Past and Live in the Present Moment: Stopping Negative Thoughts to Achieve Your Heart's Desires

Kevin Kerr

Paperback. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform 2015-02-14.
ISBN 9781508477112
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Publisher description

Are you ready to let go of everything that's holding your back? Imagine a life in which you have everything you want along with no stress or worries. Believe it or not this is a very attainable goal because it's all up to you! The accomplishment of self transformation throughout all of humanity eradicates the need for arguing, poverty, and unnecessary deaths. It is so simple but often overlooked! Once you decide to consciously eat and drink, everyone feels better. As soon as you take control over what you put in, on, and around your body then that is the day planet earth becomes a pleasant place to live for all of mankind. The second you believe that you're capable of anything and much more than what you see in the mirror is the moment all of us start to realize we are eternally spiritual as well as divinely infinite

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How to Let Go of the Past and Live in the Present Moment: Stopping Negative Thoughts to Achieve Your Heart's Desires

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Book reviews » How to Let Go of the Past and Live in the Present Moment: Stopping Negative Thoughts to Achieve Your Heart's Desires
How to Let Go of the Past and Live in the Present Moment: Stopping Negative Thoughts to Achieve Your Heart's Desires
How to Let Go of the Past and Live in the Present Moment: Stopping Negative Thoughts to Achieve Your Heart's Desires

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