Book reviews
The Golden Thread of Time: A Quest for the Truth and Hidden Knowledge of the Ancients   

The Golden Thread of Time: A Quest for the Truth and Hidden Knowledge of the Ancients

Crichton E M Miller

Paperback. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform 2014-06-10.
ISBN 9781499532609
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Publisher description

Time is the most important commodity on Earth, we live by it and we die by it, it gives order to our lives and we control all of our modern society using time and its modern instruments. We think we have mastered time, what if we are wrong?

Genesis 1 verse 14, tells us that our ancestors measured time by the stars and moon and we are told by evolutionists that ancient people used basic astronomy to achieve a crude understanding of time.

What if the war between science and religion has psychologically obscured an obvious and indisputable fact from us all? If our ancestors could measure time accurately, then all our science and technical achievements would have been inherited in a tree of knowledge that brought us to where we are today.

What if the Church in its desperate struggle to keep a profitable business alive and functioning has created such division over the ages that we do not understand the simple messages left by our ancestors on the real nature of time?

What if both church and crown in their pact to rule Europe, obscured a scientific system inherited from Palaeolithic and Neolithic sea faring hunter gatherers that was used for thousands of years to keep time while measuring and travelling the planet and developing a philosophy that maintained a balance with Nature?

The Golden Thread of Time is designed to give hope where it does not exist, providing answers where there have been none while motivating people to look beyond the mundane toward the light

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Book reviews » The Golden Thread of Time: A Quest for the Truth and Hidden Knowledge of the Ancients
The Golden Thread of Time: A Quest for the Truth and Hidden Knowledge of the Ancients
The Golden Thread of Time: A Quest for the Truth and Hidden Knowledge of the Ancients

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