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ATTRACTION, LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS-THE NEW RULES FOR MEN AND WOMEN: The new knowledge about what we are and how we work in intimate relationships for you and your partner   

ATTRACTION, LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS-THE NEW RULES FOR MEN AND WOMEN: The new knowledge about what we are and how we work in intimate relationships for you and your partner

James Taylor

Paperback. iUniverse 2009-12-01.
ISBN 9781440193774
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This is a book for couples, looking at the little things we do which make sparks fly and generate `chemistry' between man and woman. Today, all over the world, there are men studying the skills needed to seduce a woman. Over the last fifteen years or so, what was once a small select community of `Pick Up Artists' has become a vast industry.
In relation to strong intimate relationships, the conventional emphasis is still on communication. This book argues that although communication is of high importance, the most important ingredient is ATTRACTION. A woman will certainly enjoy good communication with her partner, but what she really craves are those delicious tingles of anticipation which make her weak at the knees.
The obvious place to go to discover more about building attraction is the lair of the `Pick Up Artist' (PUA). These people have taken current scientific knowledge relating to attraction into REAL LIFE situations to find out what REALLY works. Far from being exclusively for men learning how to seduce women, the time has come to share this knowledge with everybody INSIDE a relationship, so that men and women alike understand more about the man/woman dynamics which build the attraction between them.
Inside this book you will find out more about what behaviours really turn couples on (and what behaviours don't!). You will discover how playful teasing can spice things up, together with exactly how and why it works so well. You will learn easily used language patterns (illustrated with lots of examples) and key words to wet a woman's appetite and `heat things up' for both partners. Also you will see how in spite of today's highly sophisticated society, our sexual responses are still similar to those of our animal ancestors, and knowledge of these hard-wired responses can lead to greater intimacy, stronger relationships and mind-blowing sex. These and many other `attraction switches' are explained in this little Goldmine, together with other tips to enhance the man/woman dynamic and strengthen your relationship.
Enjoy this raunchy read as the lid is lifted on the underground `Pick Up Artist' community, and share this information to make your relationship stronger, sexier and more fulfilling than you dreamed possible (edited by author)

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ATTRACTION, LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS-THE NEW RULES FOR MEN AND WOMEN: The new knowledge about what we are and how we work in intimate relationships for you and your partner

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Book reviews » ATTRACTION, LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS-THE NEW RULES FOR MEN AND WOMEN: The new knowledge about what we are and how we work in intimate relationships for you and your partner
ATTRACTION, LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS-THE NEW RULES FOR MEN AND WOMEN: The new knowledge about what we are and how we work in intimate relationships for you and your partner
ATTRACTION, LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS-THE NEW RULES FOR MEN AND WOMEN: The new knowledge about what we are and how we work in intimate relationships for you and your partner

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