Book reviews
Modern American Counter Writing: Beats, Outriders, Ethnics (Literary Criticism and Cultural Theory)   

Modern American Counter Writing: Beats, Outriders, Ethnics (Literary Criticism and Cultural Theory)

A. Robert Lee

Hardcover. Routledge 2010-01-13.
ISBN 9780415998116
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The dissident voice in US culture might almost be said to have been born with the territory. Its span runs from Roger Williams to Thoreau, Anne Bradstreet to Gertrude Stein, Ambrose Bierce to the New Journalism, The Beats to the recent Bad Subjects cyber-crowd. In this new study, A. Robert Lee aims to explore those counter-seams of modern American writing that sit outside, or at least awkwardly within, agreed literary canons. Specifically, Lee analyses three recent literary branches in the tradition: a re-envisioning of the whole Beat web or circuit; a consortium of postwar "outrider" voices - Hunter Thompson to Joan Didion to Kathy Acker; and a latest purview of what, all too casually, has been designated "ethnic" writing

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Book reviews » Modern American Counter Writing: Beats, Outriders, Ethnics (Literary Criticism and Cultural Theory)
Modern American Counter Writing: Beats, Outriders, Ethnics (Literary Criticism and Cultural Theory)
Modern American Counter Writing: Beats, Outriders, Ethnics (Literary Criticism and Cultural Theory)

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