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It's Your Turn   

It's Your Turn

Cheryl-Ann Lovie

Paperback. Life to Paper Publishing 2022-02-27.
ISBN 9781778011184
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Publisher description

Cheryl-Ann Lovie celebrated her 53rd birthday, her own way. Alone at the lake. Just the way she wanted it. With a journal and a list of "I will no longer tolerate...". It wasn't always this way. She was born into a family of celebration-enthusiasts. Birthday? Party. Anniversary? Dinner. Graduation? Trip. The expectation was that any accomplishment, achievement or activity deserved a celebration and she, Cheryl-Ann would obligingly create it. She ran her household, her multi-million dollar business and her family like a rockstar... until she snapped. After the death of her father collided with sacrificing herself for her family, once again, Cheryl-Ann pulled the plug on expectation reclaiming It's My Turn! If you've ever struggled as a wife, mother, daughter or human under the never ended burden of expectation, it's time for you. It's Your Turn! Told part memoir, part hilariously-woven true story, part sassy advice you can actually use, Cheryl-Ann will have you reclaiming boundaries and finding yourself... first. "We can all be brave, with a little help from our friends." ~ Cheryl-Ann Lovie

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Peggy C. Peggy C. Terrible Read not Worth the Time of Dollars.   (Rating 1 of 5)

This lady is really not that bright.

Sounds like she is lost in life and plays a role of victim.

Looking for sympathy and reads like a real con artist.

Would not recommend and a complete waste of $$$$.
(It's Your Turn)

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