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Slimming World's Four Seasons Cookbook   

Slimming World's Four Seasons Cookbook

Slimming World

Hardcover. Ebury Pre 2008-01-03.
ISBN 9780091922405
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There's a wealth of wonderful fresh food produced on our doorstep, but how many of us really make use of it? In fact, how many of us actually know what's produced and when? Well, the people at Slimming World have made it easy, and this fantastic new book offers a wide variety of seasonal dishes that make use of ingredients at the appropriate time of year. Now you can simply turn to the section dealing with spring, summer, autumn, or winter and find something to cook that makes use of readily available ingredients at the peak of freshness. During the cold, dark days of autumn and winter, what could be better than warming borscht, souffléd jacket potatoes, roasted soy duck breasts, or spiced bean stew with feta? As the days get longer and warmer you can feast on lighter dishes, such as baked egg timbales, pan-cooked skate with bacon, broad bean and lemon risotto, asparagus with minted couscous, or any of the delicious salads. Of course, desserts haven't been forgotten. You can indulge yourself with treats such as chocolate, coffee, and cognac mousse; blackberry and pear crumble; gooseberry fool; or orange and saffron cake; secure in the knowledge that these, and all the other recipes in the book, are healthy, delicious, absolutely in season, and all part of Slimming World's highly successful Food Optimizing program

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Slimming World's Four Seasons Cookbook
Slimming World's Four Seasons Cookbook

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