Book reviews
Accelerated Learning   

Accelerated Learning

Tony Bennis

Hardback. Vaclav Vrbensky 2020-01-02.
ISBN 9781922320889
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Learning is a very important facet of everyday life. It is essentially the driving force for evolution, growth, and development for the human race. As people, we take it upon ourselves to learn new concepts that we are unfamiliar with in order to gain a better understanding of the world around us. We do this because we see learning as a form of preparation to face the challenges that we may be forced to address in our lives. We willingly put ourselves outside of our comfort zones just so we force ourselves to adapt and evolve as individuals. Learning is always going to be a noble conquest. However, not a lot of people realize that the vast majority of human beings in the world learn rather inefficiently. There is no shortage of outdated and ineffective learning techniques out there that people still adopt into their lives. This book is the antithesis to that problem. Accelerated Learning is a transformative form of learning that incorporates innovative tactics and techniques to ensure that the learner engages in efficient and effective study habits. This book is going to cover everything that a novice learner might need to know to familiarize oneself with what Accelerated Learning is all about. In addition to that, this book will also delve deeply into popular Accelerated Learning techniques and how one might be able to adopt these techniques into everyday life. Learning should never be an activity that is reserved for a select few. The tips and techniques offered in this book will provide readers an opportunity to change the way that they approach learning regardless of the specialization or discipline

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Accelerated Learning

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